martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Carrie's and Big's marriege

Write True or False next to each of the statements below according to the information presented in the movie segment.

1) The little girl hid Carrie's cell phone. ( T)

Carrie didn't receive any calls. ( F)

2)Carrie didn't know where her phone was. ( T)
Carrie didn’t receive Big’s messages and phone calls. ( F)

3) Big wasn’t confident enough to walk into church all by himself. ( F)
Big quit getting married. (T )

4) Big took too long to apologize. ( T)
Carrie hit him with her wedding bouquet. ( T)

5) Carrie’s friend didn’t let Big explain himself. (T )
Carrie went home in a state of shock. (T )

6) Carrie and Big didn't get married. ( T)

They both had a horrible afternoon. (T )

Now fill in the blanks of the sentences saying how things would have been different if the characters had acted differently. Use the 3rd conditional.

1) If the little girl hadn't hidden (hide) Carrie's cell phone, she would have received (receive) Big's calls.

2) If Carrie ______Known______(know) where her phone was, she _____would have recived______(receive) Big’s messages.

3) If Big ____had been____________ (be) confident enough to walk into church all by himself, He _____would quite_________ (quit) getting married.

4) If Big ______had taken__________ (take) too long to apologize, Carrie ___wouldn't hit_________ (hit) him with the wedding bouquet.

5) If Carrie’s friend ______let________ (let) Big explain himself, Carrie ________wouldn't go_______ (go) home in a state of shock.

6) If Carrie and Big _______had get________ (get) married, they _________wouldn't go__________ (go) through a horrible afternoon.

Talk to a partner and discuss the following questions:

1) What would you have done if you were in Carrie’s shoes?
Probably the same!! but i would go away from he and never see him again.

2) Who was right? Why?
she was right and he was too, so the problem i think is that everyone has nervous to marriege but she was right because she was there doing this for love. 

3) How could the situation been prevented from happening?
well if she would have her phone everything woul be diferent because they could talk about it and resolve the problem.

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